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  • While The Kids Are Away Final
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    Breathless Angel - While The Kids Are Away Final

    Clip Description

    The *climactic* ending to the series. Talk about a hefty orgasm...

    Clip Duration:      16 minutes
    Format Size
    wmv118.06 MB

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    Breathless Angel - While The Kids Are Away Final

    Breathless Angel - While The Kids Are Away Final

    Breathless Angel - While The Kids Are Away Final

    Breathless Angel - While The Kids Are Away Final

    Breathless Angel - While The Kids Are Away Final

    Breathless Angel - While The Kids Are Away Final
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    Vac Hood Bed  Part 2 - In the second half of the hood,  we get to see angel as her true self, just trying hard to hand on, while dem, closes the air hole on her just long enough for her to go out and come back to.  Can she get enough air to stay awake or wil the hood get the best of her???  Unexpected surprise at the end of this one all.

    Angel Relaxes In The Vac Bed - Well... At least she wanted to relax in the vac bed... Dem is just too much of an asshole to let her, at least, that's what she kept thinking as dem would close the breathing tube, tickle her, and do other various things during her hour stay.

the video isn't an hour, because dem would turn the camera on only when he decided to go up the stairs and fuck with her. Checking on her every 5 minutes, he would eventually let his demons get the best of him, and he would mess with her now and then. But he is a kind kinkster, and would of course give her a few orgasms along the way for her trouble....

video length: 10:37

    Latex Vac Bed Sexual   Part 1 - Angel gets to experience the vac bed in a whole new way.  She gets to breathe, kind of.  Here we get to see angel in the new black latex vac bed, as it seals around her body, demetrius hooks up the tube which is attached to a water bottle , and then to a rebreather bag. Demetrius then  proceeds to tease her with the magic wand.  Oh the fun to be had with the new toys, is almost unbearable.

    Living Room Ziplocked Part 2 - Demetrius hesitates a bit long in this bagging video, and angel definitely lets him know it. What’s even better is the banter between the two, both on and off camera. Lol.

    Afternoon Vacbed  Part 1 - Back to the vac bed, believe it or not angel enjoys the vac bed to a point, dem and angel almost perfect it as the seal gets nice and tight.  Angel does begin to lose her breath though so dem gives her a short break before sealing it back up on her, just to let the fun begin again.

    Chair Bagged And  Part 4 - This is the only video evidence ever captured on film of the reclusive "opisthotonus" or "death pose", as described below... Nobody scientifically has ever captured this event you see at the end of this clip in a non-lethal form... Ever... So this is the rarist of rare clips in non-lethal ********

* opisthotonus - 

opisthotonus or opisthotonos, from greek roots, ὄπισθεν, opisthen meaning "behind" and τόνος tonos meaning "tension", is a state of severe hyperextension and spasticityin which an individual's head, neck and spinal column enter into a complete "bridging" or "arching" position.[1][2] opisthotonus is seen with ******** victims - called the "opisthotonic death pose".

* death pose
the cause of this posture—sometimes called a "death pose"—has been a matter of scientific debate. 
faux and padian suggested in 2007 that the live animal was suffering opisthotonus during its death throes, and that the pose is not the result of any post-mortem process at all. They also reject the idea of water as responsible for randomly arranging the bodies in a "death pose", as different parts of the body and the limbs can be in different directions, which they found unlikely to be the result of moving water.[3] they also found that the claim that drying out of ligaments would make the position does not seem believable either.

    New Year Exercise  Part 5 - Demetrius was kind enough to give angel a little sip of his beer (she is old enough to *****, I swear) before placing her in the clear rebreather cap. Yeah, that just about ends his kindness for this video . . .

    Kitchen Fun With Chairs And Chains Part 1 - Finding herself strapped to a chair in the kitchen, angel finds it difficult to move and breath at the same time. As dem proceeds to torment her with various types of  latex, hom, and other types of devilish fun techniques, angel does her best to try and hold on for the ride, and make it through in one piece.

angel is having a very hard time controlling herself, her movements, and her breathing in this one.

    Afternoon Vacbed  Part 2 - Breathless in the beginning of this one, angel gets sealed right back into the bed, just to endure the same  as before, writhing against her vacuumed prison fighting for air. What’s this an upside down shot of angel in the vac bed , nothing but interesting things are bound to come from this.

    While The Kids Are Away Part Iv - Angel had a dream. According to her, it was a wonderful dream. She explained to dem, that she was bound to the bed all day, and dem would come in and have his way with her however, and whenever he wanted. 

dem took that as a perfect idea for a session, and interpreted it as his own chance to ******* angel. Angel never said what "have your way with me" meant, so dem decided that meant **********.

in part iv, dem swaps gasmasks for angel, and hooks her up to the rebreather bag. Once angel had made the statement, the rebreather bag was her favorite method of **********. I don't think that is the case anymore...

video length:  13:24

    Angels First Session Part 4 - In this video, we find angel on the bed in a tight camouflage top, and a gasmask. Hands and feet bound in a hogtie, she is tickled and tormented by demetrius until the air is eventually cut off not by a piece of tape, but by a shower cap. Angel wriggles and writes, but to no avail, as her tormenter continuously gets the better of her, as he counts on a timer the increasing lengths she must remain without air, before finally passing out upon release.

    Vac Hood Bed  Part 1 - In this video  we get  to see angel with a new hood.  In the beginning,  all is well, but then the tickling begins and angel begings to panic, using what ever means possible to breathe through the hood that is secured to her. We would like to  thank  shodan and asylum media for this hood.    It is one of the new favorites.

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